"Of all possessions, a friend is the most precious."

- Heradotus

Latest News: Cat Care

Raleigh NC cat vet careCat vets – and families owned by cats – understand that a feline can true be a benefit to your life. Aside from the love and entertainment they offer, cats have been scientifically proven to lower your risk of heart disease, help you to heal better, and make you a better sleeper!

Cats often don’t receive as much vet care as their canine counterparts. But they need it just as much. We’re here to help change that! See below for helpful articles about keeping your cat happy and healthy.

Why Do Cats Meow?

From high-pitched chirps to yowls to vocalizations that sound almost human, our cats have a lot to say. Though some are naturally more talkative than others, meows provide important clues to our...

Posted: January 14, 2022

Best Pet Training Techniques for Dogs and Cats

Barking, jumping, broken blinds, and chewed shoes can be incredibly frustrating for pet parents. You want to put a stop to undesirable behaviors, but not in a way that harms your relationship with...

Posted: December 15, 2021

Cat Eyes Watery and Running?

Cats’ eyes are incredible. With 200-degree peripheral sight and ultra-sensitive night vision, our kitties experience the world in ways that we cannot. If you notice that your cat’s eyes...

Posted: November 30, 2021

Yes, Cats Can Get Acne on Their Chins

You can relate to your cat’s love of treats and naps, but did you know that acne may be one more thing you have in common? Despite their fastidious grooming, our feline friends may still...

Posted: October 18, 2021

Five Mind-Blowing Facts About Cats

Our feline friends never cease to amaze us. Although the human fascination with cats dates back to Ancient Egypt, we are still learning new information about their habits, biology, and unique...

Posted: August 16, 2021

Why is my cat drooling?

Pavlov conducted his famous behavioral experiment on dogs rather than cats for a good reason: unlike pups, cats don’t typically salivate in response to the sight or smell of food. For dog...

Posted: July 15, 2021

Why do cats like catnip?

In the feline world, it’s not a party until someone brings the catnip. While it shouldn’t be used excessively, the herb has a reputation for enticing kitties into a happy stupor that...

Posted: June 30, 2021

Why do cats purr?

For cat parents, it’s among the most beautiful sounds in the world. Whether your kitty is lounging in your lap or nudging you awake for a snuggle, purring is generally considered to be a...

Posted: May 26, 2021