Dogs and cats are masters of adaptation — for this reason, deafness isn’t always immediately obvious to pet parents. If your pet seems a bit out of sorts or unaware of their...
If you are the pet parent of a “Velcro cat,” you already know that felines don’t always live up to their fiercely independent reputation. When your cat follows you from room to room...
For dog parents, summertime means long walks and afternoons at the park. It also means high temperatures, hot sidewalks, and a unique set of safety considerations. When the weather is hot,...
It’s a battle familiar to many people who share their home with both cats and dogs. Despite being generally well-mannered (and certainly well-fed), many dogs can’t resist the urge to...
Cat owners know that otherworldly retching sound all too well. Most felines will experience a buildup of fur in their stomachs from time to time, and when it doesn’t pass through their...
Gas happens, even to our pets. Dogs break wind an average of 5-20 times per day while cats average 1-2 toots — extremely modest compared to the human average of 12-25 daily incidents...
For humans, bloating is uncomfortable and inconvenient. For dogs, bloat is a life-threatening emergency. When a dog’s stomach fills with food, liquid, or gas, it rotates as it expands. For...
You do your best to feed your dog a high-quality, nutritious diet. But what do you do when you begin to suspect that their food may be making your pet sick? Just like humans, dogs can develop...