"Of all possessions, a friend is the most precious."

- Heradotus

Latest News: Illness & Disease

Dog’s Tear Duct Sticking Out? It’s Cherry Eye

Notice a smooth, bright red or pink bulge in the inner corner of your dog’s eye? Your pup is experiencing a prolapsed nictitating gland, more commonly known as cherry eye. This condition is...

Posted: May 31, 2023

    Diarrhea in Puppies: When to Worry

    It’s always tough for pet parents when their puppy is feeling under the weather, but prolonged diarrhea can be life-threatening. Unlike mature dogs, with their bodily reserves of fat and...

    Posted: January 31, 2023

      Why Is My Cat Panting?

      Though it’s less common in cats, panting isn’t strictly a dog behavior. If your kitty is breathing heavily, it’s a good idea to investigate the cause. Learn the most common...

      Posted: December 31, 2022

        Why Is My Dog Vomiting Yellow Foam?

        Dog parents know that the occasional upset stomach comes with the territory. Infrequent vomiting (especially when there is an obvious cause) isn’t too worrisome, but what about when it’s...

        Posted: November 30, 2022

          Feline Diabetes 101

          Veterinarians estimate that around 2% of domestic cats will develop feline diabetes in their lifetimes. Though that may seem relatively rare, certain factors and pre-existing health conditions can...

          Posted: September 30, 2022

            Common Joint Problems in Cats

            Cats are known for their acrobatics, but joint pain can slow down even the most playful kitties. If you’ve noticed a change in your cat’s mobility or temperament, chronic discomfort...

            Posted: August 31, 2022

              What You Need to Know About Kennel Cough

              Kennel cough may be the closest canine equivalent to the common cold. Though it’s not usually life-threatening, it’s an unpleasant experience that can leave your pup feeling under the...

              Posted: August 15, 2022

                What Kind of Worm Is This?

                At one point or another, most pet parents will encounter worms in their furbaby’s feces or vomit. Though it’s certainly alarming, recognizing the presence of worms is an important first...

                Posted: July 15, 2022